
WEEKLY REFLECTION(21/1/2019-25/1/2019)

WEEKLY REFLECTIONS (21/1/2019 -25/1/2019) With this week we came to the end of our teaching practice. I completed the chapters at  8C and 9A by the last week.This week i completed the chapter water at 8B On  this week i show my second innovative work water harvesting system at 8B .The students were cooperative and  supportive. they helped me to fix it . next day  I gave them notes.then teacher asked me to teach the  next chapter also so i  completed  next chapter fibers and plastics.and clarified their doubts. regarding the chapter. Then I collected feed backs from the students .In this week we the trainees conducted  our conscientization programe on the topic ' ADOLESCENT CHALLENGES'.  at 8A. We got good feedbacks from the students. i also conducted the  diagnostic test in this week.The teaching practice came to an end at January 25.I gained a lot of experience from this teaching practice At the last day we went too meet all the teac...


 A REPORT ON THE CONSCIENTIZATION P ROGRAM           ADOLESCENT CHALLENGES "Adolescence - A period of stress ,strain,storm and strife"                                        - STANLEY HALL INTRODUCTION Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological  human development  that generally occurs during  the period from puberty to legal adulthood. It is vulnerable time when kids can develop unhealthy habits that grows into problems in their adult proper identification of problems and its solutions have to be made to save our youth. OBJECTIVES    To make students aware about the problems of adolescents.   To grab students attention towards the major problems. To develop healthy family and social relationships.   To provide proper solutions for  their problems ...


INNOVATIVE WORK  1 As part of the B.Ed curriculum  I introduced a innovative model to the class 8B.  The model was based on the chapter water.My innovative model was water harvesting system .                       Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse on site rather than allowing it to run  off.Rainwater can be collected  from rivers on roofs and in many places the water is redirected to deep pit  wirh percolation or collected  from dew or fogs with nets.Its uses include water for gardens  ,livestock  and irrigation.           Rainwater harvesting is the simplest  and oldest methods of self supply of water for household 

WEEKLY REFLECTIONS(14/1/2019 -19/1/2019)

WEEKLY REFLECTIONS (14/1/2019 -19/1/2019)  This week  i completed  almost 3 lesson plans. one models of teaching was introduced in the class.My one innovative  model  physics monopoly game was also introduced in the 8c class.students were all active in the class. they were responsive.8c my portions were almost completed by this week . At 9A  also my lesson plans were completed .I got extra periods of other teachers .remaining portions are  pending at 8B only I gave the written notes to the class leader.All other portions were completed. This week i conducted the achievement test at 9A.Most of the students got average mark so i decided to conduct a diagnostic test for them.


INNOVATIVE  WORK 2 As  part of our B.Ed curriculum I  made a innovative model game called physics monopoly game.It was introduced at class 8C. It was a interactive game model  which involve the participation of many was   money gaining  game . This game  was interactive   which i made to help the students to learn consolidate knowledge and understanding of contents in this topic. This game is used to test the knowledge in the whole chapter.

WEEKLY REFLECTIONS(6/1/2019-12/1/2019)

WEEKLY REFLECTIONS (6/1/2019-12/1/2019)         This week   i was able to complete 3-4 lesson plans. I got many  substitution classes at 8B so i could complete the portions   as i planned.9A I  begin next chapter current electricity. At 8c  inquiry training  model was introduced.students were all very coperative.notes were given. and i checked their notes. still model and a working model was shown  at 8B and 9C.Teacher asked me to taught the same portions at  9B  also.I got many substitution classes this week A questionnaire regarding my project was given to the 9th standard students  .this week was nice one.